Sunday 15 May 2016

Road trips and stuff

I'm baaa aack !

  I've been very busy since my last post . What with Christmas and road trips and my birthday and training and helping the parents with their stuff my paws have been full

Christmas was great - lots of presents for me and lots of fun. Didn't really appreciate having to wear antlers again to amuse the folks so I refused to smile for the photo at home as you can see. Stupid Santas but I did enjoy the dress up for our KDOT (Kingaroy Dog Obedience Training)  break up party which was a hoot and I wore a Santa coat as well.

Here's me opening my presents. I did have a great time with that. Santa left me a big pile of stuff so I must have impressed him with my style last year.

I smell treats !
A new toy from my Aunty Donna

   After Christmas we went on a road trip to see my Niece "Ebony", you may remember that she visited us last year and I had promised her that I would go up to her place for a visit. I didn't know how far it was though - it took two days to get there. Dad stopped lots of  times for us to stretch our legs and at one stop Mum took me for a walk next to a big lot of water. I couldn't see where it finished it was sooo big. There were a lot of strange looking things rushing around sideways on the ground so I thought I would catch one to see what it was but every time I tried to grab one it just disappeared down a tiny hole. That was a bit weird. The parents laughed at me when I looked suprised which was very rude of them I thought so I gave them a dirty look. It was soooo boring in the car .

 This is my "are we there yet look".

And this is when I decided to take a turn at driving to relieve the boredom.

We finally arrived and I had a wonderful time with my two nieces "Ebony" and "Chelsea" - Here we are having a bit of a rest after playing ball. "Ebby" is guarding her ball- I didn't want it anyway so there !

This  is Chelsea - She is a sweetie .

When we got home there was a parcel waiting for me and that was another Chrissie present for me from Mum and Dad. It is a puzzle and it took me a couple of goes to work it out but as it involves finding treats I soon had it sussed. It now takes me less than five minutes to  finish. The cat reckoned he could do better than me but he isn't in the hunt .

Talking of the cat reminds me. Dad was going into town one day and left the car door open for a minute . When he and I went back it was lucky that he looked in the back as there was "Smokey" ready to go for a ride. I got in to push him out but he told me he was fed up with me getting all the trips. He would just be a nuisance though. He once climbed onto Dad's roof rack and Mum watched the truck go down the driveway with him standing on top. She tried to ring Dad to stop him but they were half way into town by the time Dad realised. "Smokes" wasn't worried though he just walked over to be lifted down. Must admit - he has some class that cat !

I have been pretty good so far this year - apart from one mad escape after a hoppy one evening but I did come back (eventually ) when Mum called me in a very determined voice. I had lost sight of the Hoppy thing anyway and it was nearly tea time.

There was that misunderstanding over Dad's socks though. I found this soft ball in the dining room after Mum had put the clean washing away so I took it into my yard for a bit of a play . I can tell you I was pretty suprised when it suddenly  burst open and turned into Dad's favourite pair of socks, so I left it where it was. Mum found them later and I got "a look" but I denied all knowledge of it and I think I got away with it. The socks were fine - just a bit dirty looking. The parents thought that probably those aliens were to blame as they are making holes in the backyard again.

And then there was my 2nd birthday. Yay !!!!  Lots more pressies and fun. I was very happy to get a new teddy friend as unfortunately my Christmas Ted had an accident and went into ICU but didn't survive. Apparently complete stomach and leg transplants are a bit dicey.Some teddies just don't have what it takes I'm afraid. Poor Teddy. Here are my birthday photos.

Me with my birthday cake
Remodelling my new Ted's ear as he didn't like the way it was.

Add Asking Mum to play "Toss the Ted"  

Giving new "Ted" a cuddle after his ear reshaping.My other teddy is a bit jealous.  
                                            Now the bestest news. ----- Drum roll please.

I passed my Level 4 obedience test ! My friend Tasha and I both passed so big celebrations.  Here we are just after our test . Aunty Heather, our trainer, took this photo as she was so proud of us . Now we have to study to achieve our Level 5 certificates.


I told you I had been busy !!!

'bye for now

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