Friday 18 December 2015

Merry Christmas folks

                                                       Santa's on his way - Yay ! 
I think I have been good enuff - Well apart from the odd misunderstanding and adventure that is, but I do try to be good - Well except for the times that 'roos deliberately eye me off , or rabbits, hares,foxes, birds (or really any moving thing) cross my path. There was that time I ran after 'roos and got lost of course but that ended up okay. Mum's undies went missing but she found them and Dad's ear plugs had a close encounter with my insides- but basically I am a good boy. I make Mum and Dad laugh every day so that has to be a good thing.

I achieved my level 3 obedience a few weeks ago. Everyone at KDOT school gave me a big cheer because I had been trying for so long to nail it. I'm working on Level 4 now and the parents are very happy as I am working very hard and doing good stuff. This is a piccie of me checking that it really is my name on the Level 3 certificate.

Mum and Dad have built me a training enclosure so that I can learn all the off lead stuff without getting distracted by things that might be more exciting. I still peep over the top in case I miss something but training and agility is a lot of fun and  I get to chase my footy in between work so I love it. I'm still learning Treibball and it is great. It takes a bit of concentration so it wears me out. This seems to please the parents for some reason.

I  have always been a bit ( Mum and Dad say a lot ! ) scared to jump in and out of the car - you might remember that I was thrown out of a car when I was a baby - Anyway Aunty Heather (my trainer at KDOT) helped me and recently I suddenly got very brave and now I hurtle in and out whenever I can. Another win for me. Gee Santa must be impressed with that surely ?

  This is my new training area. Dad made me a table to jump up on and that is me in the picture being a very good boy standing on it and staying while Mum took my photo. I have weaving poles, a ramp and jumps too. Lots of fun. Yes - I reckon Santa will be happy with me.

We had our Christmas break up party last Sunday at KDOT and boy did we have fun. My girlfriend "Penny" was very naughty though and crept up to the table when her Mum wasn't looking. She table surfed the rum balls clean off the table and was caught trying to wolf them down. Lucky that she was sprung or she would have been a very sick girl. My Mum  put lots of rum in them and they were meant only for the parents. The cocoa and sultanas would have made her very ill. I was a bit miffed because she didn't ask me to help her though.She is such a guts !

We had visitors last week. My human Brother and my Nephew came to stay and they brought their doggy "Ebony" with them. She is a border collie and is an old girl so she soon let me know how she wanted me to behave !  Reckon I should have been the boss really as she is my Niece ( work that out for yourselves) but I humoured her. We had a lot of fun and wore each other out. This is a photo of us worn out !  Mum and Dad are taking me on a holiday soon to visit her at her place up North. Can't wait for that. She has a sheltie Sister called Chelsea so the three of us can really have a ball.

I've been practising for Christmas treats and reckon chippies are awesome. The parents let me have the bag when they have finished with it and there are always a few bits in the bottom if I can just get my tongue around them. Smokey likes chippies too so I have to be quick. Keep telling him they aren't good for his tummy but he still lines up for them.

I really have been a good boy if you don't count the holes in my yard, but I still reckon they are dug by aliens. I will catch one and prove this one day. Then there are bits of torn up paper and material that float around the yard - aliens again I suspect. And the ear from my latest teddy sort of got swallowed . One minute it was there - the next it disappeared. The parents are still waiting for nature to take its course but I feel fine. It is funny to see them watching my every movement (so to speak ! )

       That's about it for now. Hope Santa visits you. Have a merry Christmas and a great New Year.

                                                         See you next year,

Tuesday 8 September 2015


               I've said it before and I'll say it again - "Somebody shrunk my puppy basket !"

            Well there have been a few adventures lately - most of them not all that good !

 Firstly Smokey was a V.B.C. (Very bad cat) a few weeks ago. He sometimes has a clogged up tummy and he has to go to see our Doctor. It wasn't too bad this time so Unca Stephen put his rubber gloves on. Now this should have warned Smokes what was going down ( or rather -up ! )

Mum held the biting end while Doc shoved his finger fair up ---- (Mum is frowning and says I can't say that but I asked Smokey and he reckons that says it all ! ) Whatever - Smokey was not impressed and let out a scream of protest followed by some very bad language and when the attack on his person continued he sunk his teeth into the nearest thing, which was unfortunately Mum's hand, and then clawed his way upwards (Mum's neck). The Doc held on resolutely at the other end while Smokey scrabbled on the metal table top trying to escape. So you have the scene - Mum bleeding all over the place, Smokey screaming blue murder and the Doc hanging on to him while trying to finish the job. I can't help having a chuckle over it but it wasn't really funny next day when Mum's hand was throbbing with pain and twice the size it should be. She had to go to her Dr. who laughed when he heard the tale and said "So it wasn't an unprovoked attack ? " . Smokey and Mum both got better so it all ended well.

                                                          Smokey with a belly ache
 I watch over him 'cos he's me mate but I don't get too close when he's ill. He has a mean right hook .

  Okay - I did it - I disemboweled "Monster". He had a very annoying voice and I reckon Mum and Dad were happy that I silenced him. They have saved his voice box though and every now and then they tease me with it . Ha ha ha - very funny - They are so childish at times.

I do have to report that I had an adventure recently as well. Not one that any of us enjoyed.

As you know from my last post I sometimes run off to chase things - especially in the evenings when the wild things come out, so Mum and Dad can't trust me not to disappear when we play ball.

 They decided to attach a long rope to my collar so that they would be able to grab it if I took off. Dad says it is 30 metres - whatever they are. It was great as I could have a really good run. That was until one afternoon when I was half way between them, the rope was nearest to me and I saw something move in the bush. I was off at the speed of light. I got a fair way up the back before the rope snagged on a stump. I went round two trees to free it but that didn't work so I tried again and ended up with not much rope left. I could hear Mum and Dad calling me so I just waited for them to find me. Then it got dark and very cold but I could still hear them calling and they were very close so I was sure that they would use their noses to sniff me out. I had forgotten that humans have useless noses. Then it all went quiet and I was very thirsty because I had run so fast but I couldn't do anything but curl up to sleep. It was very uncomfortable - lots of sharp twigs. Suddenly I heard Dad's ride on mower and he was back again.I sat up very tall but couldn't quite see him as the grass was long and I was in a bit of a hollow. I was sure he would see me as he had a torch so I didn't bark or make a fuss. He was so close but no he kept going. I was very cold and lonely and didn't get much sleep that night. (Note from the parents "neither did we !" )

The sun came up eventually and I licked a bit of dew off the grass but I was so thirsty and felt very sad and sick. Then I heard Mum calling me and she was so close again, but she didn't smell me or see me so I still didn't bark. Later I heard them walking in the bush and calling but they were a long way away so I just hoped they would come. There were other people stomping around too but they weren't near me either. I was just beginning to think that they would never find me when I saw Dad and I stood up as tall as I could but I still didn't bark - I don't bark much . Luckily he saw my big earsies sticking up and he raced over. We were both so happy. Good job I have these big earsies ! Then Mum and Aunty Donna came and two of my Uncles appeared. They had all been searching for me. (Another note from the parents " Five hours of searching in the evening and a further five hours grid search the following morning covering about 60 acres before we found him " )  We all went home and I licked and snuggled everyone to thank them and then I slept all the rest of the day. It was scary but I still want to chase things so Mum and Dad are really on my case now .

                       Me when Dad found me .I was watching one of my rescuers arriving.
                                                   Dad was busy untangling the rope.

Life has settled down again now and I found a  really good spot for a kip after obedience class on Sunday. Mum was making their bed but she went off somewhere so I snuck in the bedroom and got comfy. I thought no one would find me as I managed to pull a pillow over me but they have this photo so I was sprung. Nice of them to leave me there to finish my nap though. I am a bit spoilt !   


Sunday 7 June 2015


Have had a few problems with the parents since my last post. They just don't realise that I am only trying to be helpful.

Take yesterday for instance. There I was minding my own business when I saw some potatoes sitting on the verandah rail. Strange place for them I thought so I decided to investigate. They were pretty tasteless so I buried a couple and played ball with the others until they broke up. Spuds aren't that hardy really. How was I to know that Mum had put them there to "green up" (Whatever that is ) before she planted them?  Stupid place to put them and anyway I did plant some of them for her. Saved her worrying about it - but no - she was still not happy.

Then there was the chair leg affair. The parents were busy on their computer things and I was under the table dozing off when a chair leg decided to attack me so I gave it a good old gnaw in return. Did the chair leg get into trouble - oh no !

I must admit to being a bit naughty one morning though. Mum and me had bin for our morning walk and she was playing ball with me when I saw out of the corner of my eye a big hoppy 'roo just in the paddock nearby. I waited until Mum was looking the other way and I just disappeared and was way up the back scrub before she even knew I was gone. Gee that 'roo could hop !  I could hear Mum calling me but decided I was having too much fun and she could wait. She would still be there later after all but the 'roo wouldn't be. Eventually both she and Dad were searching for me . I could see Mum through the bushes so I crept up behind her and pretended that I had been there all along. My tongue nearly gave the game away though as it was hanging down nearly to my knees but Mum didn't catch on and she even gave me a treat for coming when I was called . Ha - fooled 'em again.

We recently went on the "Million Paws Walk"  to raise money for the RSPCA. That was a great day and we raised about $550 for them.There were so many dogs and lots of fun things to do . I'm already looking forward to next year's walk .

Me and Dad having a break at the Million Paws Walk . I am wearing my KDOT bandana. We KDOT dogs were there in force supporting the RSPCA.
 Have a look at my new harness too . It fits round my neck and then over my nose. The parents are very happy as I don't mind wearing it and I am very well mannered when I have it on. I must admit I do enjoy the admiring glances and compliments from people who see me walking nicely down town and Mum and Dad are very proud of me.  

Here I am with Mum having fun on the KDOT agility equipment at the Million Paws Walk. The hurdles were low because there were some puppies and little dogs having a jump. I walked over them !

Mum has made me a "snuffle rug" . A nice lady at obedience class told her about them. It is just a rubber mat with holes and Mum spent ages threading bits of soft material through the holes.  I helped by chewing the bits of material to make them fit through the holes better but she said it was no help at all as they were all soggy. You see what I mean about the parents not appreciating my help ? Anyway treats are hidden in the rug and I snuffle them out . It is good fun. I usually play with it at breakfast time.  I also have another new toy called the "twirly" but I will tell you about that next time when I get some photos of me doing clever stuff . Watch this space !

Despite all the misunderstandings I got Mum a really cool card for Mother's day 'cos she and Dad love me and look after me and I love them and I am sooooo happy with life. I signed the card with my bestest foot print and Mum thought it was great - she laughed a lot too which can only be good.

 The front of my card.
        Sweet hey ?

And when you open it !

    It is a bit cold now with Winter being here. Smokey and me have decided to curl up in front of the big log fire indoors to keep warm. Mum and Dad fit in where they can. I was a bit scared of the fire at first as it makes some crackle and pop noises sometimes but "Smokes" reckoned I was being a whimp so I braved it out and found that it really is okay. Here's a photo to prove how brave I am. Smokey has to get closest to the fire to show off of course. He is such a show pony. Anyway I'm shinier than him so there.(and I can still round him up )

     Well I have to go and have a snooze by the fire. Had a big morning at KDOT class today and a high speed romp afterwards with my mates . I love Sundays .

     Until next blog - keep warm and well - Cheers





Wednesday 22 April 2015

Classified R rated !

Before I start this blog the parents have told me to warn you that it should have an R rated classification . I have no idea what they are on about - I only report events as I see them .         However you have been warned.

First of all I had my first birthday recently . Hurrah !!!!!!!  Mum made me a great cake . I offered to share it but they said it was all mine so I gobbled it up before they changed their minds. I was a bit wary of the firey thing that they put on top of  it so they had to blow it out for me. I stalked around it for a while to make sure that it wasn't going to light up again. Can't be too careful with these tricksy things.

Okay - if you are of a nervous disposition you probably should stop reading right now .

                                THIS IS THE R-RATED BIT 

Now a couple of weeks ago I was being a bit ( well maybe a lot ! ) silly at obedience class. In fact - not to put too fine a point on it - I was completely out of my tree. Everyone says I have reached the terrible teens , so I reckon I am not to blame for whatever I do . That is my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it.

I just couldn't concentrate this day anyway, for whatever reason, and eventually Auntie Heather took over from Mum and doubled me on a lead with my mate "Cooper" . That was cool and I thought we could have a lot of fun so I started jumping around all excited and ready for a game but neither "Coop" nor Auntie Heather wanted to play . Then all of a sudden this sort of red mist came over me and I started trying to do what Mum later called "very rude things" to "Cooper" . I've never done such a thing before so the parents were shocked. "Coop" didn't seem to mind and the Dad of one of the other dogs said "Cooper seems to like it ! " Mum said later that this was when she wanted the ground to just swallow her up !  Silly thing to say. She wouldn't have been able to breathe. 

That was bad enough but Mum had given me some herbal stuff earlier that was supposed to calm me down ( fat chance ! ) It did have some effect though because my tummy started to rumble and I just had to prop in the middle of the training field and do what had to be done. Unfortunately there was quite a pile and even I have to admit it was not a pretty sight - took three poopy bags to clean that lot up. Once again not my finest hour .

To try to make me behave better at future classes  they tried a new collar thing that went on my nose but I went bananas - Well how would they like their nose in a noose ?  Now they are using something similar but it is much more comfy and I will put up with that for the sake of peace.

Probably just as well that there is no photographic record of the above misdemeanours.

                                      OKAY - R- RATED STUFF OVER 

On a similar subject - the cat has been using my toilet corner in my yard again and I was forced to use a flower pot as a gas mask the other day . Disgusting !!!!!!!

I'm learning Treibball at home. It is good fun. It is like rounding up sheep but I have to round up big exercise balls instead and push them into a goal real fast but I'm not up to that bit yet .  So far I am only learning to push the ball - which I really enjoy and Mum says I am just so good at it . And I go to a mat when Mum says "Go by" and sit until she calls me back to her. I also know to go to her right side and then she says "Away " when I am to go to the mat. I'll try to get a photo of me in action for the next blog. It is good fun and I get heaps of liver treats too !

I am also very busy training Mum and Dad to walk 4kms as we are doing the "Million Paws Walk"   to raise money for the RSPCA. We are in the KDOT team with "Cooper" and some of my mates from obedience class . I'm ready and raring to go but the parents are struggling a bit . I guess they are old . We would love you all to sponsor our walk to raise money for the RSPCA as they do a wonderful job helping animals who are suffering and preventing the cruelty that some evil people do to animals. I was thrown out of a car when I was just a baby and it took a while for me to be able to jump out of a car . I am so lucky that I was rescued by nice people and ended up with Mum and Dad but some animals are not so fortunate . Let's help the RSPCA to help them all. You can sponsor me at       

 or just let Mum and Dad know that you are able to help. Thanks heaps . Even $2 helps.

Mum and Dad entered me in an Easter competition that my friends at Kingaroy Veterinary Surgery held  and I tied for 2nd place . This was my prize . Yummy !!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me. Big licks to you all.

Dad bought me this great big kennel when I first came home . He gave it two coats of varnish to keep it looking good and then made a den for me  under the tank stand where it is snug and dry. Mum found a comfy mattress for me as well but I decided to live in the house so I haven't used it much . However I found that it was very cosy in the recent rainy, windy weather and also the parents had no idea where I was , so I have been curling up in there in the daytime when I want to be alone. Unfortunately they have woken up ! Is nothing sacred ?

I tried my hand at topiary the other day . Dad had been complaining that he couldn't get the mower under a shrub in my yard so I thought I would trim it a bit and I just kept pulling off the branches that I could reach . Really don't know why they couldn't do this themselves . It got a bit out of hand though and the result was a sort of umbrella shape. I thought it was quite artistic really but , as usual, Mother was unimpressed. Dad just grinned so I think he was happy.  

That's all my news at the moment . Be back later .

Saturday 7 March 2015

Ups and downs

                                                          THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL

                               "Dress up as Easter Bunny " - they said - "It'll be fun" - They said
                                                                      WRONG !!!!

  Apparently my so called friends at Kingaroy Veterinary Surgery are having an Easter competition with treats for the most popular pet photo and the parents thought it would be fun for me to enter ( I sometimes wonder about them )  For the love of Dog please go to Kingaroy Veterinary Surgery's Facebook page and like my photo . If I gets some treats it may restore my faith in you humans .
Meanwhile if I catch that pesky Easter rabbit I'll fluff his little cotton tail up real good I can tell you.

  I always help Mum with the cooking - I mean - it is the least I can do . The other day she dropped this green stuff so I thought that I'd better pick it up for her . I did give it a bit of a bite and was suprised by the taste  
(That's why I look a bit pop eyed in the photo)

This is Smokey and me checking it out. I won't repeat what Smokes said as it was very naughty and a good job Mum didn't hear him. I chewed it all up and quite enjoyed it. Mum said she puts it in the stew that she makes for me anyway 'cos it's full of "vitnims" . Wish I'd known that sooner -  "vitnims " sound like some kind of  Alien.

                                                    And speaking of Aliens

I tried to tell the parents that I saw this Alien disappear underground and was just trying to catch up with him but they didn't believe a word of it.
I also tried the line - "Digging a shelter in case Cyclone Marcia hits us"  but this didn't work either.

                              Ah well - fair cop !

                      It was a good story while it lasted 

Apparently this was a watering system for some pot plants - What can I say ?  - It looked at me.

  This is my new footy . It is just the best thing . I can run like the wind dragging it behind me by its rope - chase it - round  it up  - jump on it - shake it - whirl it around my head and sometimes bash myself in the head with it . I  love it and so do Mum and Dad because they can just stand and watch me having fun. They seem to find it funny - Yup I do wonder about them !

                           Well - as some other "wotten wabbit" once said "That's all folks"
                                        See you next time with more of my adventures .

                           Hope the Easter Bunny annoys you too  - Happy Easter to all.


Saturday 14 February 2015

Possible Alien invasion !

                                               Proud to be an Aussie Kelpie on Australia Day

                                                           Scary stuff afoot in my yard !

Just lately there have been holes appearing . They seem to appear early in the morning when I am waiting for my walk - just on daylight. At first I thought the cat was digging them but then I heard Mum and Dad laughing and talking about crop circles. Come to think of it the holes are heaps bigger than Smokey's toilet excavations. (Hey that's a big word for me ! ) , so perhaps I can blame - Whoops - rephrase that - perhaps the Aliens are to blame ?

Mum keeps filling the holes in but they just reappear - spooky hey ? Yup - it must be Martians I reckon . Nothing I can do about that .
Mum tried to stop them by shaking black pepper around but it didn't work. My obedience trainer, Aunty Heather, reckons chili flakes should scare 'em off . Could just work - we shall see.

I have gone off zoology  . Had a bit of a close encounter with one of those big lizard things . I've been watching them through the fence for a long time but the other day one of them had the cheek to climb over into my yard so I had to chase it out. The stupid thing ran under Mum's wire veggie frame that keeps the possums out . When it pushed its way out I moved real fast and managed to get my paws on its back before the parents spoiled all my fun. One good yell of "Leave it" from them and I obeyed.( I am just such a good boy - sometimes ) It fled over the fence and up a tree so I sat and gave it the evil eye until walkies time. To be honest I was a bit relieved that the parents called me off as I had no idea what I was going to do with it. It smelt disgusting, even by my standards.

So I might take up archeology instead of zoology. These digs (sorry - crop circles) seem to turn up all sorts of interesting things. Will let you know what I find.

                                                   Do my ears look big in this ?
                                        (Doggy equivalent of "Does my bum look big in this ! )

This is me an' Smokey watching Mum making eggy sandwiches for their lunch. Smokes and me luvs eggies and wherever we are we can smell 'em cooking and we rush indoors. There always seems to be enough left after Mum has made the sangers for Smokes an' me to have a tiny bit each, so we sits and waits very nicely . I always have to check Smokey's plate afterwards as he sometimes doesn't eat the white bit . Yay - all the more for me .

                                      I did it !  I did it ! I did it !   I passed my Level 2 obedience .

This is me when I got home from obedience class . I was so proud that I ran up my ramp and stood on the top to show off my certificate. Mum and Dad said that I was very good today and deserved to graduate. Don't I look just so handsome in my new red backpack ? I wear it when I go for walks and sometimes at classes.  I can carry all sorts of stuff in the pockets (it even has a raincoat for me ) but it mainly holds two small bottles of water. The extra weight is supposed to tire me out and get rid of my super energy (Ha - fat chance) Mum reckons two 20kg lead weights on each side might work better.
             I don't think the parents thought it through very well though . Doesn't red go faster ? 

Sunday 18 January 2015

New Year Report

 My earsies grew even bigger over Christmas and they are both standing right up now.  I think it was because of the birdseed I have been eating to help me fly. Next big wind and I will be up and away .
         Aren't I just so handsome ?

 Sorry I haven't been talking to you lately but I have been busy looking after Mum . Dad suddenly vanished the week before Santa came . Then Mum kept going away and I was chained up  but I did get lots of big juicy bones to chew while she was gone. One day Mum put a black box next to my ear and Dad was in there. I could hear him but couldn't work out where he was so I just licked the box . Must be people magic. Dad didn't sound right anyway - probably 'cause he was squashed in that box thing. He was gone for lots of sleeps and wasn't even home for Christmas and Mum was so sad that I had to give her lots of licks and snuggles. Then one day he just turned up again but he smelt different - bit like it smells at my vet's place. I was tied up so that I couldn't jump on him so I just leapt up and down on the spot - all four legs at once and then rolled over and over waggling my legs in the air and squeaking, When I was able to get near him I just licked him and stayed by his side all the time. He is still not playing much yet but I'm happy he is back and Mum is laughing again so that is good.

                    Christmas was fun. We had a break up party at KDOT training with all my mates .
                             That's me in my antlers with my bestest friend Randall behind me.

                                                Randall and me having a Christmas wrestle

 I was so excited that I just couldn't do anything right. We had bon bons and treats and agility games and everything. Man it was good but the parents weren't real happy with my behaviour and said Santa doesn't come to naughty dogs.

                     Anyway Santa did come so I couldn't have been that bad so there!



   We had lots of rain and the overflow pipe on the tank came off so there was a waterfall into my yard which made a big sea of mud. Now I hate water - it's wet !  But mud - well that is different so I had a ball. The waterfall was falling on me so I was soaked but the mud was worth it . Of course Mum had to find me didn't she !! Well she decided that half way to China was far enough for me to dig and she stopped my fun. She really has no sense of humour sometimes and anyway those herbs were nearly dead anyway- well almost - a bit - Well  they were when I had finished with 'em ! She then wanted to wash me - in water even ! I hate water - she knows that.

Before Dad did his disappearing trick I was helping him in our shed and thought I had better test drive my Nephew Matty's  Formula Vee racing car. Well it wasn't actually moving but Dad did the sound effects and I broom broommed all over the place . Can't wait to drive it properly.

My zoology studies are still going well. I saw a red thing with a huge bushy tail fly across the track which Mum said was a fox. It smelt exciting but once again Mother wouldn't let me have fun and chase it . Dad also stopped me another day when I saw a shiny black long thing with a red belly and thought it might be fun to round up. He was very firm about that one but it just disappeared so quickly into the grass anyway. The possum is back in the car port - think it has a baby one too. Then there are lots and lots of big lizardy things which whizz up trees when they see us. Some are much longer than me but they still get up the trees real fast. I always make a fuss and even put my hackles up when I see them . Mum and Dad laugh and say I've got my feathers up ! So rude !!!

               Hope you all had a great Christmas and that your year will be as exciting as mine.
                         'Bye for now,