Sunday 18 January 2015

New Year Report

 My earsies grew even bigger over Christmas and they are both standing right up now.  I think it was because of the birdseed I have been eating to help me fly. Next big wind and I will be up and away .
         Aren't I just so handsome ?

 Sorry I haven't been talking to you lately but I have been busy looking after Mum . Dad suddenly vanished the week before Santa came . Then Mum kept going away and I was chained up  but I did get lots of big juicy bones to chew while she was gone. One day Mum put a black box next to my ear and Dad was in there. I could hear him but couldn't work out where he was so I just licked the box . Must be people magic. Dad didn't sound right anyway - probably 'cause he was squashed in that box thing. He was gone for lots of sleeps and wasn't even home for Christmas and Mum was so sad that I had to give her lots of licks and snuggles. Then one day he just turned up again but he smelt different - bit like it smells at my vet's place. I was tied up so that I couldn't jump on him so I just leapt up and down on the spot - all four legs at once and then rolled over and over waggling my legs in the air and squeaking, When I was able to get near him I just licked him and stayed by his side all the time. He is still not playing much yet but I'm happy he is back and Mum is laughing again so that is good.

                    Christmas was fun. We had a break up party at KDOT training with all my mates .
                             That's me in my antlers with my bestest friend Randall behind me.

                                                Randall and me having a Christmas wrestle

 I was so excited that I just couldn't do anything right. We had bon bons and treats and agility games and everything. Man it was good but the parents weren't real happy with my behaviour and said Santa doesn't come to naughty dogs.

                     Anyway Santa did come so I couldn't have been that bad so there!



   We had lots of rain and the overflow pipe on the tank came off so there was a waterfall into my yard which made a big sea of mud. Now I hate water - it's wet !  But mud - well that is different so I had a ball. The waterfall was falling on me so I was soaked but the mud was worth it . Of course Mum had to find me didn't she !! Well she decided that half way to China was far enough for me to dig and she stopped my fun. She really has no sense of humour sometimes and anyway those herbs were nearly dead anyway- well almost - a bit - Well  they were when I had finished with 'em ! She then wanted to wash me - in water even ! I hate water - she knows that.

Before Dad did his disappearing trick I was helping him in our shed and thought I had better test drive my Nephew Matty's  Formula Vee racing car. Well it wasn't actually moving but Dad did the sound effects and I broom broommed all over the place . Can't wait to drive it properly.

My zoology studies are still going well. I saw a red thing with a huge bushy tail fly across the track which Mum said was a fox. It smelt exciting but once again Mother wouldn't let me have fun and chase it . Dad also stopped me another day when I saw a shiny black long thing with a red belly and thought it might be fun to round up. He was very firm about that one but it just disappeared so quickly into the grass anyway. The possum is back in the car port - think it has a baby one too. Then there are lots and lots of big lizardy things which whizz up trees when they see us. Some are much longer than me but they still get up the trees real fast. I always make a fuss and even put my hackles up when I see them . Mum and Dad laugh and say I've got my feathers up ! So rude !!!

               Hope you all had a great Christmas and that your year will be as exciting as mine.
                         'Bye for now,