Thursday 27 October 2016

My Sister and other stuff

Hi everyone ,

Well such a lot has happened since I spoke to you last that I don't know where to start.

I am just so excited as I have a Sister now . Her name is Tammy and she is wonderful. This is one of them girlie glamour photos - she is good lookin' but this makes her look like a movie star. (which she isn't) 

She has had a lot of bad stuff happen to her and is a bit scared of things . Well acshully she was scared of everything at first and a mess, but she and Mum met at the RSPCA and they just fell in love. Tammy had to go to rehab. (No she wasn't on drugs - just scared stiff.) Anyway Aunty Denise at Silver Linings Pet Rescue looked after her for a while and helped her until Mum and Dad decided that they would like to adopt her 'cause Mum kept going on and on about her and crying ! 
At first Tam came for day visits to see if she would fit in okay . Smokey cat had to be asked if he liked her too. He just sniffed her and gave her the head butt of approval. She likes cats but I did warn her that they have sharp bits. I showed her around and gave her lots of licks. Bit disappointed at first as she wouldn't play for long and kept running off in a corner and laying down all frit. I asked the parents if her batteries were flat or something. Smokey got crabby one day and got up on his hind legs to give us both one of his best right crosses and left jabs. I ducked and ran for cover but poor Tam went into melt down ( I did warn her ! ) and it took a few more visits before she plucked up courage to face him again.  Then she came for a two night sleep over and we really had some fun.

                        Smokey made his peace with her and we all had a big love in with Mum one night.

Tammy moved in with us this week and it is sooo great to have someone to play with. I let her win some games because she's a girl and  I am a gentleman. She can't really run as fast as I do though and hasn't a clue about playing with toys so I am trying to teach her. However she does know all about Aliens hiding in the ground and we are  on constant watch. When we smell them we dig Alien holes to get at them.
 Haven't caught one yet - Probably because Mum keeps filling the holes up so we have to start all over 
                                                  again. She has no idea ! We are onto it though .


 I let her win this one.


                                          Digging out the Aliens

I have no idea how we ended up like this
                But it was fun !


     She decided to eat my ear - but she was very 
                          gentle - it didn't hurt .

   Tammy has become addicted to Mum's walking boots and keeps nicking one and taking it outside for a play. I have told her that the parents take a dim view of that sort of thing but she just grins ! Must admit I enjoy seeing her happy and being cheeky after such a sad beginning.  Mum is hiding the boots now.  Tam has also developed a stealth attack method for sneaking Smokey's dinner. I have to admire her as she is so
                                                                     quiet about it.

Before Tammy came Dad and me was going for our evening walk and suddenly saw a big long green wriggly thing cross the track in front of us. It flung itself into a bush and then sort of tied itself in knots to shoot up the branches. It was totally weird .  I sat there in shock. Never seen anything do that before.
              Dad laughed at me which I thought a bit unkind as he hadn't seen that happen before either.   

Then me an' Mum were walking up the back of the paddock and I saw something black and shiny next to the track. It was pretty big and I remembered seeing them before and that they weren't to be played with so I just gave it a sniff. I was on my lead and Mum was real cool - Just said "Ooops" and pulled me to the other side and we hurried past it. We don't think it even saw us as it didn't move. Mum is sort of levi
                                  - levat - leevitat - hovering above the ground now on our walks !

Last weekend the parents took me to visit some poor dogs that were in gaol. I ran up and down saying hello and they were so happy that I had come to see them. The nice lady asked if I would like to have a look at one of the cells and I said I would . Next thing I know I was locked in there and the parents were waving goodbye.  I will not repeat what I said about them - but it had a comment about their birth status.    
                       They came back though and I jumped in the car before they could get away again.

Now for some stunning news  I HAVE PASSED MY LEVEL 5 OBEDIENCE TEST . YAY - I MADE IT.
Thanks to Auntie Heather at KDOT for being so patient and teaching Mum and Dad so well !  She will       now have me and Tammy to put up

I'm learning tricks now . This is one of them . I can't have the treat until Mum or Dad say I can. I  do go a bit cross eyed though !

See you next time .
Luv and licks

 Auntie Stef from Animals Anonymous Pet Sitting took this great photo when she was looking after me one day .I is sooo handsome ! (And modest with it.)