Saturday 1 November 2014

Trials and Triumphs

The good news first

  I attained my Level 1 Obedience Certificate from KDOT school  on the 12th October after only seven lessons. YEAHHHH  !!   I've certainly come a long way since that first class when I wanted to attack every dog there. They are all my mates now and I have a great time socialising and learning new things.I would recommend all you dogs out there to nag your parents to take you to obedience school for both your and their sakes.
 Mum dragged me out of bed to take this photo so please excuse my dopey expression - not my usual bright eyed and bushy tailed look but I can tell you that we were all very excited and proud on the day.

                                                        Bit of brush action.

Mum and Dad tell me that I should always clean my teeth and say my prayers before going to bed . Can't get my paws around the prayer bit yet but I love having my teeth brushed every night . I have to have a paw in the process of course . I have beautiful big pearly whites. They crunch up bones real well and real fast so I am looking after them like the vet says to.

As you know I love to help people and I am so considerate at times that I even amaze myself.  Mum is ever so grateful when I help her with the housework as she hates doing it . I am a whizz at vacuuming - as you can see from this action shot that Dad took.

Smokey cat likes to play hide and seek with me but I always find him and let Mum and Dad know where he is . He gets in the weirdest places but particularly likes bags so that is where I check first . He sometimes gets a bit narky when I tell on him and then when I am not looking he will hide on a seat under the dining room table from where he can snag my bum as I  pass innocently by. We also play tag and he chases me through the house . This sometimes ends with him leaping on the bookcase and knocking everything over so is not one of Mum's favourite games.

                                                      Cat in a bag

Well I guess I must now tell you the bad news .  It was really all just a mistake . There I was resting on the sofa on the front verandah early one morning while I was waiting for Mum to take me for my walk. This is (or was !) the only furniture that I am allowed on . Anyway - there I was and I just wasn't quite comfy so I started  scruffing the cover up a bit and the next thing I knew there were bits of rubbery foam stuff popping out everywhere . This was such a suprise but I have to admit that the more I dug the more fun it became . I ate some of it but it wasn't up to my standards so I wandered back into the yard to play ball. Dad came out first and then he called Mum but thankfully they hadn't seen me in the act so I blamed the cat !  I got up on the sofa trying to discover some forensic proof of this but unfortunately there was none.  The parents muttered darkly but as they had no proof of my guilt I got away with it. However they pretty much ignored me a lot that day . I was useless at obedience that morning though as I was still all excited about the sofa exploding the way it did. By evening it was obvious that the parents had sussed me out as they were barely speaking to me so I put myself to bed and cuddled and licked my blankie. Mum came in and saw me with my earsies down and I put on my best "sorry " face and looked so pathetic that they asked me back into the lounge and I gave me  lovely cuddles . So the day ended well after all. My family refuse to go to bed without kissing and making up. I think all people should be like this and the World would be a wonderful place . 

                                                                The cat did it - honest .

                                                 Looking for evidence of the cat's guilt

Mum spent nearly five hours mending the sofa but I'm afraid that two days later the rotten thing did the same trick again . This time they caught me in the act and boy did I get in trouble. The cat was highly amused and sat smirking at me. Not the act of a friend . Just wait until he does something naughty !
                                             Good job Mum and Dad love me so much .