Saturday 14 February 2015

Possible Alien invasion !

                                               Proud to be an Aussie Kelpie on Australia Day

                                                           Scary stuff afoot in my yard !

Just lately there have been holes appearing . They seem to appear early in the morning when I am waiting for my walk - just on daylight. At first I thought the cat was digging them but then I heard Mum and Dad laughing and talking about crop circles. Come to think of it the holes are heaps bigger than Smokey's toilet excavations. (Hey that's a big word for me ! ) , so perhaps I can blame - Whoops - rephrase that - perhaps the Aliens are to blame ?

Mum keeps filling the holes in but they just reappear - spooky hey ? Yup - it must be Martians I reckon . Nothing I can do about that .
Mum tried to stop them by shaking black pepper around but it didn't work. My obedience trainer, Aunty Heather, reckons chili flakes should scare 'em off . Could just work - we shall see.

I have gone off zoology  . Had a bit of a close encounter with one of those big lizard things . I've been watching them through the fence for a long time but the other day one of them had the cheek to climb over into my yard so I had to chase it out. The stupid thing ran under Mum's wire veggie frame that keeps the possums out . When it pushed its way out I moved real fast and managed to get my paws on its back before the parents spoiled all my fun. One good yell of "Leave it" from them and I obeyed.( I am just such a good boy - sometimes ) It fled over the fence and up a tree so I sat and gave it the evil eye until walkies time. To be honest I was a bit relieved that the parents called me off as I had no idea what I was going to do with it. It smelt disgusting, even by my standards.

So I might take up archeology instead of zoology. These digs (sorry - crop circles) seem to turn up all sorts of interesting things. Will let you know what I find.

                                                   Do my ears look big in this ?
                                        (Doggy equivalent of "Does my bum look big in this ! )

This is me an' Smokey watching Mum making eggy sandwiches for their lunch. Smokes and me luvs eggies and wherever we are we can smell 'em cooking and we rush indoors. There always seems to be enough left after Mum has made the sangers for Smokes an' me to have a tiny bit each, so we sits and waits very nicely . I always have to check Smokey's plate afterwards as he sometimes doesn't eat the white bit . Yay - all the more for me .

                                      I did it !  I did it ! I did it !   I passed my Level 2 obedience .

This is me when I got home from obedience class . I was so proud that I ran up my ramp and stood on the top to show off my certificate. Mum and Dad said that I was very good today and deserved to graduate. Don't I look just so handsome in my new red backpack ? I wear it when I go for walks and sometimes at classes.  I can carry all sorts of stuff in the pockets (it even has a raincoat for me ) but it mainly holds two small bottles of water. The extra weight is supposed to tire me out and get rid of my super energy (Ha - fat chance) Mum reckons two 20kg lead weights on each side might work better.
             I don't think the parents thought it through very well though . Doesn't red go faster ?