Thursday, 23 August 2018

Political Stuff

Hi Everyone

I know I hasn't bin blogging for everso long but what with having me Sister to look after and teaching her new things the year has just flown past.

However  - I has bin takin note of all this stuff goin on in Canberra and I am really sorry for you humans wot has to put up with such rot from the people that you expected to run the country in a proper manner. Instead you has a mob of power hungry wolves who spend most of their time trying to beat each other at stoopid games instead of concentrating (big word for me ! ) on the job at hand.
I am so sick of hearing the parents goin on about it and getting upset by it all that I have made a big decision. I am goin ter put me hat in the ring and contest for leadership. Yup - Skip for primeminister.

I think I pass all the requirements . I definitely have no nationality problems. Well - I have no idea who me Dad was but me Mum was an Aussie and I was born in Brisbane, so I reckon Dad would have been a Brisbane lad.

I don't have interests in any child minding centres. I actually don't own much at all except me den, which I would be happy to live in, so that being the case I would be happy to sell The Lodge to the highest bidder to raise revenue for more important things.  

I would save the country a heap of money as all I would ask for would be a couple of feeds a day for me and me cabinet. This would obviously support the farmers, who need all the help they can get.

I have a good education (another big word - See ? ) and I have a Level 6 obedience certificate . That is the Uni equivalent ( nuver big word ) of a Phd. Probably in public relations , so very good for a leader

I am involved in conservation . Here is a piccie of me and Tammy planting a tree . Well I think we were planting it - hard to say really ! Anyways , we love trees ( or I do - Tam squats , but she's a gal )

I am a keen supporter of the sports, so would make sure that funds were available for this. I love soccer but I is willing to help lesser sports too

Immigration and foreign affairs would be an easy one for me to organise as I has friends from all over the World (Germany, Labrador, China, Russia,the middle East, Afghanistan,Newfoundland,France, England etc )  and we have never have any trubbel problim getting on well. Just a matter of realising that we are all different and start learning from each other. Of course their barks are a bit weird but we just wag our tails and have a sniff and its all good. I guess sniffing butts is out  - shame about that - but I am sure we can find another way. We also don't want boat people drowning so Tammy would teach them doggy paddle. I don't go near water meself but she loves it. Have to have some border security though but Tam and me are experts at that so no probs.

Demonstrating doggy paddle

On guard duty
Education is important , so I would be allocating (nuver big word ) lots of money to that. Tam and me goes to school every Sunday and have learnt heaps. I have to help the little kids and sort them out when they are being stoopid. Being an Alpha dog is a huge responsibility so I think teachers should get more money.

Hospitals and health are very important too so I would look after that . Our Smokey cat was attacked by a wild cat last year and needed treatment and both Mum and Dad have been in hospital so I know how important it is. Nurses is just awesome. This is a piccie of Smokey resting up after his fight.He still walks with a limp poor old Smokes.

I think I would need Tammy as me deputy and Smokey as treasurer. He never shares anything so would keep a tight hold on the money. Just look at him refusing to give up Mum's shoes !

The three of us would have no trubbel at all imitating the attitude of  some present members if proceedings  get boring in the house.

So vote for me and you will get a fair and trustworthy cabinet . Anyways I am better looking than the alternatives that are on offer and more charismatic ( Ohhh another big word ! )
                                        I CAN'T WAIT TO GET ME TEETH INTO IT ! 

1 comment:

  1. Skip - you have my vote and that of Tai, Kai, Py and Saffi... they are prepared to put their paw marks - not sure how Py and Saffi would vote but I am sure they could just bite something/one - on a ballot paper. We will also be happy to campaign on your bewoof as well.
